Every brand guidelines document or user interface style guide requires a section detailing complementary colours. I often create a unique layout to present those colours. But recently, working on a big UI project which required a lot of colours, I found that it was much easier to present them on a customisable colour wheel as it allowed for flexibility and growth.
(Updated Sep 2022)
The colour wheel I created can accommodate anything from one to 48 colours... and it can be duplicated to create even more. Not only can you make sure all those colours work well together but you can also display them in an unlimited combination of shapes by highlighting different segments of the colour wheel.
In fact I found it to be so useful that I've decided to give it away to you for free!
Feel free to use it in your next UI style guide or brand guidelines project. I've used Google's Material Design colours in this example (Illustrator), and blue and yellow in the updated Sketch file.
Free Download
Downloadable as a Sketch or an Illustrator file.